Learning Terraform

October 15, 2024

The intial phone screen for the StubHub interview went well. I was asked about my experience with Terraform. I admitted that I have only used it once before. and it has been many years since then. However, I used AWS CDK frequently at my last job with Amazon. I hope that experience will help me learn Terraform. I'm going to write about my learning process for Terraform before my next interview sometime within the next week.

Learning Terraform

Initial Research

After installing Terraform within WSL, I started the Terraform Tutorial for AWS. I'm going to follow this tutorial to learn the basics of Terraform, focusing on adding AWS resources as this is mentioned in Glassdoor interviews.

First Impressions

The Terraform CLI is easy to use. I made a .tf file and defined a Docker container and image. I ran terraform init, terraform plan, and terraform apply. I'm impressed that Terraform created and ran a Docker container that quickly.


Next, I created a new AWS account and configured the AWS CLI within WSL. I created a new main.tf file and added an AWS provider and EC2 instance resource.

Next Steps

I plan on taking the Terraform Associate certification exam sometime in the next month. I'm going to study using the Terraform Associate Certification Guide.

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