LeetCode 12. Integer to Roman

October 28, 2024

I started feeling down about my past interview performance. Rather than continue ruminating, I decided to continue my LeetCode grind tonight. My goal is to complete the Top 150 Interview Questions before the end of the year.


1class Solution:
2 def intToRoman(self, num: int) -> str:
3 digitCount = int((math.log10(num) + 1) // 1)
4 def getLeftmostDigit():
5 return num // (10 ** (digitCount - 1)) % 10
6 romanForm = ""
7 if digitCount == 4:
8 digit = getLeftmostDigit()
9 for i in range(digit): romanForm += "M"
10 digitCount -= 1
11 if digitCount == 3:
12 digit = getLeftmostDigit()
13 if digit in [4, 9]:
14 romanForm += "CD" if digit == 4 else "CM"
15 digit -= digit
16 elif digit >= 5:
17 romanForm += "D"
18 digit -= 5
19 for i in range(digit): romanForm += "C"
20 digitCount -= 1
21 if digitCount == 2:
22 digit = getLeftmostDigit()
23 if digit in [4, 9]:
24 romanForm += "XL" if digit == 4 else "XC"
25 digit -= digit
26 elif digit >= 5:
27 romanForm += "L"
28 digit -= 5
29 for i in range(digit): romanForm += "X"
30 digitCount -= 1
31 if digitCount == 1:
32 digit = getLeftmostDigit()
33 if digit in [4, 9]:
34 romanForm += "IV" if digit == 4 else "IX"
35 digit -= digit
36 elif digit >= 5:
37 romanForm += "V"
38 digit -= 5
39 for i in range(digit): romanForm += "I"
41 return romanForm

O(n) = 1


Next time, I would like to reduce the code complexity by abstracting the strings into a dictionary. With the dictionary, I could loop for digitCount iterations and select the appropriate value from the dictionary. This would remove the repeated code, thereby making it easier to read and maintain.

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