LeetCode 36. Valid Sudoku

November 4, 2024

Now, I am working on matrix problems.


This is my initial greedy solution.

1class Solution:
2 def isValidSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
3 for row in board:
4 rowVals = set()
5 for column in row:
6 if column != '.' and column in rowVals:
7 return False
8 rowVals.add(column)
10 for col in range(len(board[0])):
11 colVals = set()
12 for row in board:
13 if row[col] != '.' and row[col] in colVals:
14 return False
15 colVals.add(row[col])
17 for subX in range(3):
18 for subY in range(3):
19 gridVals = set()
20 for x in range(3):
21 for y in range(3):
22 cell = board[subY * 3 + y][subX * 3 + x]
23 if cell != '.' and cell in gridVals:
24 return False
25 gridVals.add(board[subY * 3 + y][subX * 3 + x])
27 return True


Now, I reviewed other solutions and liked this one which uses a list of tuples and only one nested for loop.

1class Solution:
2 def isValidSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
3 vals = []
4 for i, row in enumerate(board):
5 for j, x in enumerate(row):
6 if x != '.':
7 vals += [(x, j), (i, x), (x, i // 3, j // 3)]
8 return len(vals) == len(set(vals))

I like how tuples are made unique by swapping their position, and the cell value is not mistaken for the row/column because it is a string rather than int. O(n) = 1 since board size is fixed.

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