LeetCode 56. Merge Intervals

November 11, 2024

Now I'm onto intervals. This one merges all intersecting intervals and returns the distinct items.


1class Solution:
2 def merge(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
3 res = []
4 intervals = sorted(intervals)
5 start, end = intervals[0]
6 for item in intervals[1:]:
7 if end >= item[0] and item[1] > end:
8 end = item[1]
9 if start >= item[0] and start <= item[1]:
10 start = item[0]
11 if end < item[0] or start > item[1]:
12 res.append([start, end])
13 start, end = item
14 res.append([start, end])
15 return res

O(n) = nlog(n) due to the sorted() method

LeetCode 49. Group Anagrams

LeetCode 57. Insert Interval