LeetCode 150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

November 13, 2024

Now I'm on to stacks. I had to rethink my strategy of going from right to left, to left to right. I was overcomplicating it.


1class Solution:
2 def evalRPN(self, tokens: List[str]) -> int:
3 stack = []
4 for token in tokens:
5 if token in ['+', '/', '+', '-', '*']:
6 right = int(stack.pop())
7 left = int(stack.pop())
8 match token:
9 case '+':
10 res = left + right
11 case '/':
12 res = left / right
13 case '+':
14 res = left + right
15 case '-':
16 res = left - right
17 case '*':
18 res = left * right
19 stack.append(res)
20 else:
21 stack.append(token)
22 return int(stack[-1])

O(n) = n since we iterate over all elements once. Space complexity also O(n) = n for the stack.

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