November 19, 2024
I had difficulties with this problem with terminating completed lists. I was surprised that ChatGPT didn't give this simple solution, it suggested a large rework. I'll have to be mindful before implementing all of ChatGPT's suggestions.
1# Definition for singly-linked list.2# class ListNode:3# def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):4# self.val = val5# = next6class Solution:7 def reverseKGroup(self, head: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:8 batch = []9 start = None10 curr = None11 while head:12 batch.append(head)13 head = head.next14 if len(batch) == k:15 if curr:16 = batch.pop()17 curr = curr.next18 else:19 curr = batch.pop()20 if not start:21 start = curr2223 while batch:24 = batch.pop()25 curr = curr.next2627 if batch and curr:28 = batch[0]29 elif batch:30 start = batch[0]31 elif not batch and curr:32 = None3334 return start
Time complexity is O(n) = n and space complexity is O(k).
LeetCode 92. Reverse Linked List II
LeetCode 100. Same Tree